
How to Rank well

What your describing is called on-page optimization. This makes it easy for search engines to understand what a web page is about. To optimize a page for a long tail keyword you would generally select one main long tail phrase and a second highly relevant keyword or phrase.

Another aspect to ranking would be off-page optimization. This involves getting other site to include a link on their site to your site. These are call back-links. The more back-links you have the more search engines feel your important. It also matter what the page rank is of the site that is back-linking to you. A PR7 site will be more important than a PR2 site.

Some ways people get these back-links is through blog commenting on high rank blogs. Making sure you put the keyword your trying to rank for as your name and the page url your trying to rank for in the website box. That gives you a back-link if the blog owner accept the comment. It helps to leave a helpful comment for this purpose. Avoid comment spamming.

Other ways include, guest blogging, blog pinging, forums, social media, setting up profiles, article marketing, writing great content, much more.

Social sharing is also a factor in ranking so make sure you have social buttons on your blog posts so it's easy for your posts to be shared.

With the new changes on the google search engine, search is now very personal. Meaning no two searches will ever be the same again. If you want to rank for your market it's important you target that market through Google Plus and make contact with key people and influence makers in your market. When your target market searches for relevant terms your more likely to turn up in their search results based on your connection. This gives you an extreme advantage.

Don't forget to make video's for your long tail keyword phrases. Optimize videos so they also turn up in the search results. Your video should point them to your blog as well as word copy in the description and tags.

Research your keywords properly. By nature long tail keyword phrases consist of 3 or more words and typically attract a low amount of traffic. In the research phase make sure those phrases meet criteria for successful seo. Number of global searches, number of competing websites, commercial indicators, page rank of the top 10 sites for that keyword. If there is not a rank of 2 or less then ranking on front page will take more time.

Do google searches on all these topics to learn the overall process of ranking and attracting people to your site. Once you have a good understanding try to focus on one area every 30 days until you find what works best and master that as your traffic generation method.
What your describing is called on-page optimization. This makes it easy for search engines to understand what a web page is about. To optimize a page for a long tail keyword you would generally select one main long tail phrase and a second highly relevant keyword or phrase.

Another aspect to ranking would be off-page optimization. This involves getting other site to include a link on their site to your site. These are call back-links. The more back-links you have the more search engines feel your important. It also matter what the page rank is of the site that is back-linking to you. A PR7 site will be more important than a PR2 site.

Some ways people get these back-links is through blog commenting on high rank blogs. Making sure you put the keyword your trying to rank for as your name and the page url your trying to rank for in the website box. That gives you a back-link if the blog owner accept the comment. It helps to leave a helpful comment for this purpose. Avoid comment spamming.

Other ways include, guest blogging, blog pinging, forums, social media, setting up profiles, article marketing, writing great content, much more.

Social sharing is also a factor in ranking so make sure you have social buttons on your blog posts so it's easy for your posts to be shared.

With the new changes on the google search engine, search is now very personal. Meaning no two searches will ever be the same again. If you want to rank for your market it's important you target that market through Google Plus and make contact with key people and influence makers in your market. When your target market searches for relevant terms your more likely to turn up in their search results based on your connection. This gives you an extreme advantage.

Don't forget to make video's for your long tail keyword phrases. Optimize videos so they also turn up in the search results. Your video should point them to your blog as well as word copy in the description and tags.

Research your keywords properly. By nature long tail keyword phrases consist of 3 or more words and typically attract a low amount of traffic. In the research phase make sure those phrases meet criteria for successful seo. Number of global searches, number of competing websites, commercial indicators, page rank of the top 10 sites for that keyword. If there is not a rank of 2 or less then ranking on front page will take more time.

Do google searches on all these topics to learn the overall process of ranking and attracting people to your site. Once you have a good understanding try to focus on one area every 30 days until you find what works best and master that as your traffic generation method.

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