Adsense Account Guaranteed Approval
It was easiest way to make money blogging and Google Adsense Publishers are making real Income. From the Established years Google Adsense Publishers were rapidly increased due Google Inc, have retired their Google Adsense Referral program and they have updated Adsense Publisher Agreement.
Now days you might be facing difficulties to create new google adsense account as follows.
01. Page Type: You must have top level domain Unacceptable Site Content: original content/Copy Right issue.
03. Invalid Postal Address or account information issues.
And so on.
If you would follow google adsense program policy you may not face these problems even some people are facing these difficulties this might be some other issues rather then they are stating in the email. If you world maintain these steps adsense new account disapproval range can be reduced.
01. If you are using blog for new adsense account be sure the blog is created minimum six month past of the current date.
02. Contents are not violating the adsense program policy, this has become easy these days coz if you are making blog using blogger they will automatically delete your blog account if you are violating google's blogger or adsense policy.
03. Apply unique outlook for your blog this can be done using blogger templates. Within your adsense article use less pictures and more article contents (Texts).
04. If you have top level domain to apply for new google adsense account you have maximum chances for your new adsense account approval if your website has maintained above steps.
05. Address formalities: Provide complete address while you sign up for new google adsense account. Give proper, correct and unique mailing address so they will be able to send you PIN code to your mailing address.
06. I'm not sure but some people claims that Unique IPs are responsible for new google adsense account approvals and existing or already been used IPs are sesponsible for new google adsense account disapproval.
On following all the above procedure if you have failed to participate into google adsense publisher program or if your google adsense account have been disapproved still you have two more options to approve your account.
01. hubpage claims for new google adsense account 100% approval.
Since its not fact even you can try them. procedures are:-
a. Go to hubpages site.
b. Sign up for an account.
c. login to your account and click on Account/profile Setting
d. click on affiliate setting
e. join affiliate setting features
02. Docstock it is another alternative so you can try them too for your new google adsense account approvals.
If you are still disapprove your google adsense account even you have many option you can do over internet being web publisher. There are number of google adsense alternatives on the net and you can find them on the posts so please look at the post on this blog carefully.
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