
Links - the true secret weapon of internet domination.

Links - the true secret weapon of internet domination

Links, so they say, are the lifeblood of the internet. And it's true. Backlinks are the yardstick of your web content's visibility, and of its reputation.

Not only this - but top search engine optimization (SEO) experts the world over agree universally that link building is THE most critical factor, by some considerable margin, in getting your web site to the number one spot in the search engine rankings. A site's link profile is analyzed by the major search engines and used to determine the importance of the page compared to other pages that include the same "keywords". In other words, it is plain fact: Having a good link portfolio is absolutely essential to the success of a web site in the search results.

It's not enough to have quality content. You need to put it in front of people. Exposure is one of the quintessential factors in modern business success. Unless you are paying for your traffic, a quality link portfolio is truly the essential "missing factor" that makes the difference between whether a great web page gets ranked high in Google and the other major search engines, gets discovered by other web users, or whether it sits gathering dust out in the digital wasteland - lost, forlorn and unseen.

Here's how they misled you:

Now it's said (or should I say preached?) by some that you should not link-build; that you should concentrate only on developing your content and rely on "attracting natural links". While this might look good on paper, don't fall for it. For many this strategy simply does not work - and never will: Certain types of content, even if they are of top quality, simply do not get linked to as often as others - if at all.

For example - a "standard" academic paper posted online will not in general attract anything like as many links as a Youtube video - even if it is brilliant. Also, a very large demographic of internet users do not habitually modify web content - and so why would such users ever create hyperlinks?
I have many friends who use the internet every day but have rarely, if ever, created an html link in their entire lives - and will likely never build a web page! And what about “thin client” users such as those who browse with mobile phones and other devices that have no ability to cut and paste, or to create html code? How can these millions of users possibly do your linking for you? They won't.

A modern business needs to advertise - and your web site needs links. I have researched this fully – by building super-high quality web pages with more, better free content than the competition, and then leaving them alone to see what happened. I observed as they got absolutely nowhere for a year. Then, I started link-building and watched the search engine traffic - and consequently the revenue from the pages - take off.

It can easily be seen that strategies of "attracting natural links", while desirable, are simply not the entire picture - and for some, they are entirely ineffective. Besides, how can content possibly attract natural links if it is invisible in the first place?? "To those that already have, it is given."
...and then intimidated you:

Despite the true and easily demonstrable power of a great link portfolio, most web site owners don't do much, if any, effective link building. Most webmasters simply have no idea how important it is. And most of the rest don't really know where to begin. The subject of link building is often seen as complex. It is shrouded in mystery and sometimes even deliberate secrecy. Webmasters are sometimes so confused and nervous of "getting whacked by Google" that they simply freeze and do nothing.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) professionals often charge astronomical fees for getting sites up onto the first page of Google - meaning that the big corporations now end up with all the traffic, leaving the small business owner or creative individual struggling. So much for the internet levelling the playing field...

The search engines and the high-fee SEO pros aren't really very interested in you having the "big picture". But the good news is that with most of the competition either inactive, uninformed or ill-informed, you are actually in a strong position to achieve success if you have the knowledge and take the right steps.Link Buikding is still a "secret weapon" and one of the true master keys to internet success.

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